Step 1:
Download the registration form from
Step 2:
Read and complete the registration form carefully. Take special note of the Terms & Conditions section and then sign the declaration statement.
Step 3:
Required documents:
- A copy of your official identification card (both sides) Or a copy of your passport (the information & visa page)
- 1 passport-sized photograph
- The appropriate payment or an invoice showing that the payment was made
- A medical report (if applicable) for any special Access Arrangements
Step 4:
Email the above required document to
Step 5:
Statement of Entry via email
It includes dates and sessions for the examinations you have registered.
For a copy of the examination timetable candidates may contact the school or visit the BIS website
Step 6:
Double-check the Statement of Entry to ensure accuracy regarding:
- The spelling of your name
- Date of birth
- Correct registration of IGCSE Subjects
Step 1:
Download the registration form from
Step 2:
Read and complete the registration form carefully. Take special note of the Terms & Conditions section and then sign the declaration statement.
Step 3:
Required documents:
- A copy of your official identification card (both sides) Or a copy of your passport (the information & visa page)
- 1 passport-sized photograph
- The appropriate payment or an invoice showing that the payment was made
- A medical report (if applicable) for any special Access Arrangements
Step 4:
Email the above required document to
Step 5:
Statement of Entry via email
It includes dates and sessions for the examinations you have registered.
For a copy of the examination timetable candidates may contact the school or visit the BIS website
Step 6:
Double-check the Statement of Entry to ensure accuracy regarding:
- The spelling of your name
- Date of birth
- Correct registration of IGCSE Subjects