
HOTLINE : 1 300 882 BIS (247)


The BIS Music Program is lively, energetic and performance-orienting, adding considerable value to the Curriculum, Social Clubs, Special Events and Co-Curricular activities.

Students at BIS show great enthusiasm for music, and we recognize the importance of providing some understanding, experience and foundational music knowledge to all students. The main goals of the BIS Music Program are to develop music appreciation, improve verbal and non-verbal language confidence, and to produce musically literate students. 

The Primary curriculum focuses on traditional, multicultural, folk and popular songs, while introducing percussion and basic instruments like the recorder. However, we also offer opportunities for specialized music training in co-curricular activities in our Choir and Guitar Social Clubs. From an ethnocultural perspective, we want students to understand how rooted music is in culture, and how we can understand a tremendous amount about a culture through music.  

At the Secondary level, students have opportunities to follow their passion with music on deeper levels. The School is accommodating to students with special talents and interest in pursuing music. We have a fine music recital room in our Creativity Corner, and our music teachers are experienced and supportive, offering experience and opportunities for students to explore, grow and learn.

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